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Just one of the ways that ModernTailor thanks its many customers who have been referring ModernTailor dress shirts all over the world!
You will get USD 20.00 if you refer your friends to use our service.
Why be a ModernTailor Online Partner?
1. ModernTailor online partner program is an easy way to earn extra from your current blog or website. Just embed the referral link on your website. When customers sign up and order through your partner link, you instantly get $20.
2. ModernTailor works with Paypal so you don't have to wait days before you get the payout. Everyday, Moderntailor automatically calculates the number of orders made through your affiliate link and your Paypal account is paid $20 times the number of orders.
3. There are no sign up fees or registration fees to join.
4. Customers who order deal directly with Moderntailor and Moderntailor handles shipping and handling of goods.
If you have further inquiries, please email
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